Adding Respondents to a Research

  1. Open your Research.
  2. Click the „Add respondent“ button in the „Respondents“ tab.
  3. Fill in the respondent’s name in the „Name“ input field.
  4. In the „Date and time“ input field, enter the date and time of the scheduled interview with the respondent.
  5. You can add other parameters by clicking the „Add parameter“ button, including the respondent’s contact information or attributes that define the target group (age, education, etc.)
  6. You can also continue with preparing the interview Scenario or process the research data.

Respondents are a key component of developing your product and directing it toward your product goals. You receive the most relevant and necessary information from them, which are crucial to perfecting your product.

By adding parameters, you gain a better overview of each respondent and learn to what extent they meet the requirements of your target group.

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Amount of Respondents Needed for an In-depth…

An in-depth interview is a qualitative research method. The researcher has a scenario with topics or points they plan to discuss with their respondents. As the…
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