Try to create as many solutions as you can with your team. Then choose the ideal one for your opportunity.
Prioritizing Solutions - We assist your team in properly identifying the best solutions for your products that bring the most utility to your users and your company. UserUp is here to help you figure out which path is the best choice from every perspective.
UserUp provides a system for your team members to rate each potential feature or idea of how valuable they believe it would be. This allows you to incorporate unique viewpoints on different aspects of the design process to be considered when deciding which path to follow.
With our rating system, you can effectively manage features based on the value they bring to users, how affordable they would be as well as how feasible it would be to implement. This makes the decision-making process easier.
If you do not consider the different aspects of how effective a solution will be from each viewpoint, it is possible that an eventual product might be over budget, impossible to implement or even something your users do not utilize.