Research Archive

UserUP provides you with a dedicated space to store previous research. By using our search tool you’ll find any research or verbatim within seconds if you need to use it next time.

Research Archive - UserUp provides you with a single space to store all your previous research findings. Congregating your insights into one place will go a long way to ensure your team has easy access to previous data.

Why you need it

The Research Repository is here for you and your team to bring what your customers have said as evidence to find the right way forward for your product.

The benefits we offer

You'll be able to easily keep track of previous insights and ensure that you're not repeating or losing customer research with this feature. It will also help you interpret and share the results and takeaways with other teams in your company.

UserUp provides you with these types of research

Risks without it

Companies that don't keep track of research are prone to wasting valuable time and resources on redundant customer research projects. Additionally, it will be more difficult for them to share their insights across their company.

UserUP helps with every step

Store research

Store your research in a dedicated space. You can see the progress of research every time you need it.

Easy searching

Search through your data, insights, verbatims, or project easily. Find anything in a few seconds.

Find out more about UX research

How to start with UX research

What is UX research, and why should it take an important part in your design process?

Read more >

How to conduct a Usability test

When should you use usability testing? How to conduct it, and what are the main advantages of this research method?

Read more >

How to conduct an Interview

When should you use the interview? How to conduct it, and what are the main advantages of this research method?

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