Opportunity Solution Tree

29. 6. 2023

Finding opportunities

The answer is frequently very simple – the desired outcome. That appears to be a simple answer, but…

What is more important when developing a digital…

31. 5. 2023

Discovery backlog

From explaining the Opportunity Solution Tree method to choosing the right opportunity, we will now…

How to execute the selected opportunity

2. 5. 2023

Discovery backlog

An opportunity is an action or activity that, from the customer's point of view, can help improve…

How to choose the right opportunity

14. 3. 2023

Discovery backlog

What is an Opportunity Solution Tree?This method helps visualize the intersection between business…

How to Build an Opportunity Solution Tree

6. 11. 2021


Product Discovery is a collection of methods that help to create quality products with a strong…

What is Product Discovery, and how to create…